NASA has expressed the need to assess crew autonomy relative to performance and evaluate an optimal level of autonomy that maximizes individual and team performance. This is in line with research that says that higher levels of autonomy on the job have been shown to increase job satisfaction, motivation to perform the job, and potentially yield higher effort and productivity. To address this need, it will be important to establish dimensionality (e.g., scheduling autonomy, procedural autonomy) and scale (i.e., the “level” of autonomy) for representing the crew’s autonomy. Because of human nature and the necessity of adapting to situational requirements, the crew’s actual autonomy will stray from their target value and assessing crew deviation from the specified level of autonomy will be of critical importance to the project. In this project, we will establish a clear, unambiguous definition of autonomy with respect to dimensionality and gradations, determine the technologies and algorithms required to measure and compute crew autonomy, performance, and task interdependence. We will exploit the ongoing work on Cybernet’s Automated Behavior and Cohesion Assessment Tools (ABCAT) system; the ABCAT system was designed in part to assess crew performance, which we will need for this project as well, and our approach will be to add autonomy modeling and assessment to the design.