Draw from and build on the cyber security and information systems (CS) knowledge base of BCOs and, in turn, add to that knowledge base through the development and delivery of STI that advances the body of cyber security and information systems knowledge in the technical community and can be shared within that community.

Obtain a wide range of cyber security and information systems-related research, development, studies, evaluations, analyses and similar services for the potential customers. In the course of achieving the dual objectives of performing TATs and developing STI, the CS TAT capabilities include:

    1. Foster a connection and engage collaboratively with the IAC BCOs performing work in relevant subject areas so as to maximize utilization of BCO products and services and existing STI;
    1. Minimize unnecessary duplication of research, information collection and analysis, and information dissemination efforts; and
    1. Promote standardization within the field of cyber security and information systems-related technology




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