The Navy has the requirement for managing the inventory and safety of its food service products. Cybernet participated in Trident Warrior in 2009 to perform experimentations with its ruggedized tablet platform. During this effort, we interviewed galley personnel to understand their requirements related to afloat operations. For them, the areas of paperless operation, recipe management, and food monitoring were of greatest importance. At the time, one of the barriers to implementation was a lack of supporting software that could operate on the hardware. Today, the Food Service Management (FSM) System 3 is available that unifies the logistics and operations of aboard and ashore galley operations, and portable hardware capabilities have increased substantially. Cybernet leveraged past experiences unique to hardware deployment aboard ship, development of rugged platforms, and expertise in process integration to provide the Navy with a hardware/software solution that supports galley operation and logistics. The proposed system includes a complete logistic solution (hardware, software), accreditation, and integration with FSM.