Future U.S. Navy ships will operate with a crew that may be half or less of current ship crew size.  To maintain readiness with a reduced crew size, tools are needed to support enhanced Sailor productivity on-ship. Everyday workflow will continue to need a minimum contingent of crew, however special circumstances arise that require access to Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) located at remote locations. Providing the maintainer with effective tools that provide the data feeds necessary to integrate effectively with Distance Support will provide the necessary tools to support smaller crew sizes.   This program leverages Cybernet’s commercially available Shipboard Wireless Maintenance Assistant (SWMA) Platform to integrate the Navy’s Distance Support capabilities into a man-portable package that can be used on-site to provide the maintainer with direct access to the remote SMEs and provide the SME with the ability to receive visual, aural, and instrument readings necessary to effectively diagnosis general maintenance problems and casualties. This program seeks to extend the functionality of the SWMA Platform by providing specific instrument interfaces and integrating them into the Distance Support process.


Human Computer Interaction

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