The NASA Low-Cost Small Spacecraft Program is focused on the technologies, subsystems, methodologies, and mission concepts for space missions which lower the over-all cost for scientific exploration. However, current simulation capabilities require significant man hours to perform and limit the overall optimization of small satellite mission performance. During our initial effort, we built a prototype “simulation-of-simulations” software suite designed to show the feasibility of reducing the man hours required to generate and execute such simulations. This software suite was designed to support the NASA efforts through (a) the initial development of a standard small satellite architecture framework, (b) capture of relevant subsystems simulations and engineering models, (c) supports full small satellite systems physical and functional simulations of simulations against mission profile descriptions using the captured subsystem sub-simulation elements, and (d) supports mission planning and analysis trade-studies that change subsystem and system parameters, supports inclusion and exclusion of alternative subsystem elements, and supports mission effectiveness parameter evaluation and display (including cost optimization or optimization a particular performance factors). This effort was an extension of our Virtual Systems Integration Laboratory (VSIL) technology currently being developed for the U.S. Army. In this stage of the program, we will be developing the interoperability and usability tools required by NASA researchers.